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595 search results for: self regulation


Self Regulation and Movement: How Physical Activity Supports Development in Young Children

Self-regulation is an essential developmental skill in early childhood, closely tied to a child’s academic success and overall well-being. It involves a child’s ability to manage their emotions, behaviors, and thoughts to achieve long-term goals. In recent years, research has shown that physical activity plays a crucial role in supporting self-regulation. Regular movement, especially during […]


Self Regulation Activities for Toddlers

Do you ever struggle to get your toddlers through their daily activities? Are they often overwhelmed and highly emotional, making it difficult to get anything done? If so, self-regulation activities are invaluable in helping them stay calm while still completing the necessary tasks. These self regulation activities for toddlers can provide them with powerful tools […]



Self-regulation is a skill that all students need in order to be successful in school and beyond. It involves the ability to control emotions, set goals, and make good decisions. Unfortunately, not all students come into school with these skills already developed. It is our job to help them learn how to self-regulate. There are […]



When it comes to helping kids learn how to regulate their emotions and behavior, there are a lot of different strategies teachers can use in the classroom. Of course, some kids may need more help than others, but introducing self regulation strategies can be a great way to get all of your students on the […]


Self Regulation Visual Motor Puzzle – FREE

Do you like to challenge your students? This FREE self regulation visual motor puzzle will certainly put them to the test in a fun way! You can download it for free at the bottom of the post. WHY ARE SELF REGULATION SKILLS IMPORTANT FOR STUDENTS? Self regulation skills are the ability to control one’s emotions, […]


Self Regulation and Fine Motor Skills

Young kids find it difficult to learn to write since they must combine their still-developing fine motor abilities with an understanding of written language in order to produce a mark that has meaning. The problem gets worse when children are required to create a range of written items, each with its own set of demands […]


Self Regulation IEP Goals

Self regulation is a critical life skill that many students struggle to achieve. Individuals with poor self regulation skills can find it difficult to complete independent tasks, focus in class, and manage their emotions. If your student has difficulty with self regulation, consider adding a self regulation IEP goals related to this skill. There are […]