Evaluating Interventions for Cerebral Palsy

Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology have made a free virtual issue entitled “Evaluating Interventions in Cerebral Palsy”. The editors selected relevant and contemporary papers on interventions for cerebral palsy. There is free access to full text articles on many topics including internet based physical activity interventions, constraint therapy, supported treadmill training, context therapy, bracing, taping […]

Clay Monsters

How cute are these little monsters?  Practice some fine motor skills and hand strengthening making these cuties.  All you need is creativity, imagination and some clay/theraputty, googly eyes and cut up pipe cleaners.  If you need more activities for clay check out these ebooks: Creative Clay Activities and Clay Play Mats. Like the monster theme?  […]

CVS Community Care Grants

CVS Community Care Grants are once again available this year for children with disabilities. They support grants for children under 21 with disabilities. The focus should be on at least one of the following: (1) health and rehabilitation services and (2) enabling and encouraging physical movement and play. There are also separate grants for underinsured […]


Tai Chi and Wheelchair Users

Have you ever suggested Tai Chi as a form of exercise or physical activity for wheelchair users?  This is an excellent activity that most individuals can participate in to assist with postural tone, active range of motion, deep breathing and mind body connection.  Here are a few videos from You Tube demonstrating some Tai Chi.  […]


Sleep Duration and ADHD Symptoms

Pediatrics published research on sleep duration and behavioral and ADHD symptoms in healthy 7-8 year old children. The results indicated that children who had short sleep duration (less than 7.7 hours) had higher hyperactivity/impulsivity scores, higher attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder total scores but similar inattention scores compared with children sleeping 7.7 to 9.4 hours or >9.4 hours. […]