
Visual Perception and Handwriting

How does visual perception and handwriting work together? A recent research article took a closer look at these skills.

How does visual perception and handwriting work together? A recent research article took a closer look at determining if correlations exist between the eight sub-components of visual perception including eye hand coordination, position in space, copying, figure ground discrimination, spatial relations, visual closure, visual motor speed and form constancy, and handwriting ability. The researchers also […]

Hula Hoop Games for Kids

Whether you are a parent, OT, PT, PE teacher, or classroom teacher, hula hoop games are engaging and fun to get kids moving!

Whether you are a parent, OT, PT, PE teacher, or classroom teacher, hula hoop games are engaging and fun to get kids moving! Here are several hula hoop activities that you can play with your kids. You will need hula hoops. If you do not have hula hoops you could put painter’s tape on the […]

Fun Exercises for Kids

Foster healthy development and include fun exercises for kids throughout their daily lives. Read ideas and suggestions to get kids moving.

We all know that children of all ages need physical activity daily. When it comes to kids though heading to the gym is not always your best idea. You want to encourage a lifelong love of being healthy and fit. One way of fostering healthy development is to include fun exercises for kids throughout their […]

Sensory Feedback and Autism

Researchers took a closer look at sensory feedback and autism and how it is associated with age and motor behaviors.

Researchers have observed that children with autism spectrum disorder, or ASD, can experience sensorimotor impairments before they show signs of social and communication symptoms. Poor motor skills in individuals with ASD may affect many tasks such as playing with toys, handwriting, picking up a glass of water, and zipping up a coat, etc. which can […]