
Popcorn Puzzle – Free Printable

Did you know that January 19th is National Popcorn Day? Celebrate this crunchy, fun snack today with a free popcorn puzzle and riddle.

Did you know that January 19th is National Popcorn Day? Celebrate this crunchy, fun snack today with a free popcorn puzzle and riddle. Challenge fine motor skills, scissor skills, visual spatial, and visual motor skills with this brain teaser puzzle. You can download it for free at the bottom of the post.

Visual spatial reasoning is the ability to determine the positions of objects, shapes, and their spatial relations to one another. When you complete a puzzle, you are challenging visual spatial skills. These skills are critical for direction sense, motor planning, mathematics, and more!

How Does the Popcorn Puzzle Free Printable Work?

All you need to do are these three steps:

  1. Sign up to download the freebie at the bottom of the post.
  2. Download and print the puzzle.
  3. Follow the directions on the puzzle page to solve the riddle “What kind of music gets popcorn to dance?”
    • Cut apart the nine puzzle pieces.
    • Glue the piece back onto the nine block square to get the answer!

The solution is on the second page so don’t peek until you know the answer!

When Is A Good Time to Use This Activity?

Students can use this free printable for:

  • classroom movie party activity
  • indoor recess challenge
  • fine motor station
  • Occupational Therapy session to practice scissor skills
  • fun homework activity

What Skills Does this Activity Work On?

Children are working on the following skills with this popcorn puzzle:

  • scissor skills
  • visual spatial reasoning
  • fine motor skills
  • visual motor skills

Need More Fun Popcorn Activities?

Check out the Popcorn Game to get your kids working on gross motor skills, muscle strengthening and physical activity.

Need an super easy, no prep, interactive or print sensory motor game? Check out the Popcorn Game to get your kids working on gross motor skills, muscle strengthening and physical activity. This activity is great for distance learning, teletherapy, or in person sessions or classrooms.

Download Your FREE Popcorn Puzzle Here

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Did you know that January 19th is National Popcorn Day? Celebrate this crunchy, fun snack today with a free popcorn puzzle and riddle.