Summary: Download of 36 wall cards, letter/number flash cards, alphabet strips, name plates and alphabet/number chart available in BOTH Handwriting without Tears® and Zaner-Bloser® Style
Product Details:
E-book Pages: 47 pages for each font
Language: English
LIST PRICE: $3.99 both titles!
Shipping: FREE – once payment is made you will receive an email with a link to download the book. You will need Adobe Reader to open the book.
Summary: These cards, strips and charts are perfect to hang up in the therapy room or classroom for visual reminders. For each font, there is one letter per page, numbers 1-10, name plates (one with directional arrows), alphabet strips (one with directional arrows) and the alphabet/number chart (one with arrows). For the flash cards, the pages are laid out four to a page to cut out and use. The alphabet strips and name plates are provided with a green background and a white background.These packets make a great addition to your OT toolkit or to share with teachers and parents.
Download some sample pages from the Handwriting without Tears® and Zaner-Bloser® Style.
Remember these are electronic documents. Following payment you will receive a link to download the book. As with all of the Your Therapy Source books, you may reproduce the pages for the children that you work with.