Summary: Combine doodling with writing in this download that includes 15 squiggle and 25 doodles to add to and write a story about your drawing.
Product Details:
Pages: 46
Language: English
Pages: 46
Language: English
Shipping: FREE – once payment is made you will receive an email with a link to download the book. You will need Adobe Reader to open the book.
Summary: Doodle Diaries includes 15 squiggle drawings and 25 doodles drawings to finish then write a story about your drawing. This download has two formats for the writing area – dotted lines or double lines. Use these drawing starters to encourage drawing and writing.
This activity encourages:
- drawing skills
- visual perceptual skills
- visual motor skills
- handwriting practice
Download sample pages from Doodle Diaries in dotted line and double line format.
Remember this is an electronic document. Following payment you will receive a link to download the book. As with all of the Your Therapy Source books, you may reproduce the pages for the children that you work with.
To purchase the download with credit card of Doodle Diaries on the ADD TO CART button. Following payment you will receive an email with a link to download the book. Both of the ebooks are large files so please be patient when downloading.