Summary: Download includes 20 pictures to copy the patterns with a Spring theme.
Product Details:
E-Book: 26 pages
Language: English
Shipping: FREE – once payment is made you will receive an email with a link to download the book. You will need Adobe Reader to open the book.
Summary: This download collection includes 20 pictures to copy the patterns with a Spring theme. There are 10 easy pictures and 10 more difficult pictures to copy. All the pictures are in black and white. The theme pages are umbrellas, lion/lambs, birdies, ladybugs/caterpillars, flowers, butterflies/dragonflies, kites, eggs, bunnies/baskets and tulips.
Finish the Pictures encourages:
- handwriting and drawing practice
- visual focus
- attention to detail
- visual sequencing
- form constancy
- visual motor skills
Download a free sample page of Finish the Picture – Spring Edition
You can print out the activity pages as many times as you like for the children that you work with.
Remember this is an electronic document. Upon payment you will be sent an email with a link to download the book. It is in pdf format so you will need Adobe Reader. You can download Adobe for free at ADOBE
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