E-Book: 49 pages
Language: English
Shipping: FREE – once payment is made you will receive an email with a link to download the book. You will need Adobe Reader to open the book.
Summary: This is an electronic book of 40+ progress monitoring forms to assess fine motor skills including handwriting over time.
The Progress Monitoring Forms allow therapists or other personnel to track an individual’s motor skills over time. By monitoring the skills over the course of the year(s), the therapist can get a visual picture of improvement, decline or maintenance of different skills. This can assist the therapist to make clinical decisions regarding Response to Intervention programs, regular treatment sessions and discharge planning.
The Progress Monitoring Forms can help to track the following:
grasp, grasp and release, open/close containers, toy use, stringing large/small beads, building with blocks, puzzles, book use, buttoning, zipping, snapping, scissor use, glue use, stapler use, paperwork, coins, tying shoes, hand dominance, coloring, dot to dots, drawing a person, pre-writing skills, pencil use, letter formation, spacing, copying, handwriting speed and scores on standardized testing.
Some suggested uses of Progress Monitoring Forms are:
- Response to Intervention
- progress reports
- establish entrance or exit criteria for therapy
- determining frequency of therapy sessions
- justifying 12 month programming
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