Summary: Heart Series: 3 Yoga/Movement Story Videos for Calm, Caring & Confidence Mp4 download of three videos combining stories + creative movement + Yoga + Brain Gym®
Product Details:
Mp4 download – each video is 25-30 minutes
Language: English
LIST PRICE: $30.00
Shipping: FREE – once payment is made you will receive an email with a link to download the Mp4 videos.
Summary: Social-emotional and self-regulation skills are crucial for happy, successful children. Do yours struggle with attention, self- control or making friends? Do they need help calming or centering themselves, staying on task, or managing stress?
In the 3 Heart Series DVDs, our stories explore the qualities of caring for self and others such as perseverance, resilience, acceptance, appreciation and friendship. Why? Because children who can navigate challenges, move through fear and see the good in everyone are better equipped to be good friends and good citizens.
Tortoise, Hare and Dragon: Perseverance
It’s a race! It’s Tortoise versus Hare, and fox, eagle, beetle and other forest friends have come to cheer them on. But, wait…how did a dragon find his way into this story? And how are they going to get around him to finish the race? Discover the value of kindness and stick-to-it-ness and watch what happens!
Coral Reef: Acceptance
Sometimes, the Boy is a boy and sometimes…he’s a hermit crab! And he’s also very small and the Coral Reef is very big, very beautiful and very scary. Jellyfish, sharks, manta rays…should he stay, explore and make some new friends or should he scurry away and hide in his shell?
A Beautiful Dream: Relationship
Summer is over, school’s about to begin and the Boy dreams a beautiful dream about his adventures with Scooter. He revisits the amazing places they explored together, the many wonderful friends he made and the fun they had. Wouldn’t it be great to go for a Scooter ride in the park by the lake, one last time?
All DVD sessions are comprehensive and balanced. The activities are a combination of creative movement, yoga, Brain Gym(R), and educational research to optimize physical and cognitive development. Stories are thoughtfully written to teach social – emotional lessons. The parent and teacher guide supports you in building on the skills and lessons in the stories.
Remember this is an electronic item. Following payment you will receive a link to download the videos.
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