
Exercise Programs in Males Versus Females with Cystic Fibrosis

An interesting study was published in The Journal of Pediatrics comparing the fitness levels of males and females with cystic fibrosis. A 6 week inpatient rehabilitation program was conducted with 158 females and 186 males subjects (ages 12-43 years) with cystic fibrosis. Lung function, peak oxygen uptake, peak workload, and peak heart rate were measured. The results indicated the following:

  • lower lung function in males
  • lower aerobic capacity in females
  • same training effects were seen in males and females for peak oxygen uptake and peak heart rate but not in peak work load
  • individuals who were less fit at the start of the program showed the most improvement

The researchers concluded that fitness level and not lung function determined the improvements following the 6 week rehabilitation program.

Reference: Wolfgang Gruber, MSc, PhDa, David M. Orenstein, MDb, Klaus Michael Braumann, MDc, Karl Paul, MDd, Gerd Hüls, MDe Effects of an Exercise Program in Children with Cystic Fibrosis: Are There Differences between Females and Males? The Journal of Pediatrics Abstract September 2010 doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2010.07.033

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