Wii Motion Analysis

Now this is really cool, especially if you are a nerdy, techie therapist. This physical education teacher, Mr. Robbo, explains how to use your Wii remote to do some simple motion analysis. You download a program, connect your Wii remote to your computer with blue tooth capability and ‘voila’ instant motion analysis. Give someone the Wii remote and start collecting data.

Unfortunately, I could not test this out because my computer is not blue tooth enabled. But… if it worked I could see many uses for therapists:

1. Place the Wii remote on a child’s belt to get a simple analysis of pelvic motion during gait training.

2. Track a child’s motion using different assistive devices i.e. anterior versus posterior rolling walker.

3. Track upper extremity active motion.

4. Analyze the forces on the child’s motion when walking on different surfaces

5. In the comments section of the blog one reader says he/she used the Wiimote inside a ball to collect data on throwing and catching.

Would love to hear if you get it to work in the clinical setting.
Read on how to turn the Wii Remote into a data logger.

Read Wearing a Wiimote During Sport

Watch his videos below:

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