Jackpot! SPD Information
I previously posted on an article that was written by David Brown, from the California Deaf Blind Services, on The Forgotten Sense – Proprioception. Well, David Brown recently commented on that post to let us know that he has just posted all of the 6 articles he had written on The Forgotten Senses:
* The Forgotten Sense – Proprioception
* The Vestibular Sense
* The Sense of Smell – the Olfactory Sense
* The importance of having ‘Good Taste’
* The sensory integration perspective and what it offers us in the field of
deafblindness, Part 1
* The sensory integration perspective and what it offers us in the field of
deafblindness, Part 2
They are just as excellent and informative as the previous one on proprioception. You can find all six articles at the California Deaf Blind Services website. Thanks Mr Brown for letting us know and for sharing your articles. Great work!