Feeding Difficulties and Autism
The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders has published an analysis of the research related to feeding problems and autism. The review indicated the following:
- significantly more feeding problems in children with autism versus their peers
- examination of dietary nutrients showed significantly lower intake of calcium and protein in children with autism
The researchers recommend that children with autism should receive:
- screenings for feeding concerns and nutritional deficits/excesses
- measurements of gross anthropometric parameters as part of routine medical evaluations
- healthcare providers who review the potential consequences of pursuing an elimination diet taking into account the child’s unique feeding and nutritional presentation.
Reference: Emory University (2013, February 4). Children with autism at significant risk for feeding problems and nutritional deficits. ScienceDaily. Retrieved February 19, 2013, from http://www.sciencedaily.com /releases/2013/02/130204184625.htm