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Twitter Hashtags for Pediatric OT and PT

Twitter continues to grow in popularity as a social media site. When you are watching television or advertisements there are frequently Twitter hashtags for people to follow along the Twitter stream about the different topics. Well there are even a few hashtags for pediatric occupational and physical therapy.  Here are some of the ones that are used on Twitter:

#slpeeps (speech therapy)

Remember when you use or search for hashtags keep it all one word.  Even if you do not have a Twitter account,  you can type in these hashtags into a search engine and you can view what is trending on Twitter.  For those with Twitter accounts it can be hard to keep up with all the tweets.  This is a simple way to see what you may have missed.  Just type in the hashtag and you will see the previous tweets about the topic.  Here is the current search for #pediOT.   See how simple it is?

If you want to find out more about how Twitter works read this article entitled Twitter for Therapists

Please add the hashtags that you use in the comments and I will add them to my list.  The more we all use the same hashtags the easier it is to follow the topics. 

Want to follow us on Twitter?  We are @YTherapySource