
Ophthalmic Abnormalities and Developmental Coordination Disorder

Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology published research on ophthalmic abnormalities in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD). A cross sectional data analysis was performed with a coordination test, handwriting test and activities of daily living test used to classify children as having developmental coordination disorder. Out of the 7154 children, 1.8% were classified as having severe DCD and 215 children had moderate DCD. 

The results indicated the following:

  1. children with severe DCD were more likely to have the following: abnormal sensory fusion at near and distance and motor fusion; reduced stereoacuity; hypermetropia and anisometropia. 
  2. 71% of  the children found to have both DCD and a refractive error, had been previously prescribed glasses and wore them for the assessments.
The researchers concluded that children with severe DCD had abnormalities in binocular vision, refractive error, and ocular alignment. It is recommend that children with DCD be assessed for ocular abnormalities as early intervention may improve long-term visual outcome. 

As a PT, this sutdy makes me ponder are the coordination deficits of DCD the result of ophthalmic abnormalities?  If these visual abnormalities are corrected early does coordination improve?  If the visual abnormalities are corrected later does coordination improve? My guess is yes.  If you are not perceiving the environment around you correctly how do you learn to move your body through the environment correctly. Thoughts?

Reference: Ophthalmic abnormalities in children with developmental coordination disorder Alexandra L Creavin, Raghu Lingam, Kate Northstone and Cathy Williams Article first published online: 5 OCT 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/dmcn.12284