5 Reasons to Use Rubrics for Performance Tasks

Rubrics for performance tasks are an excellent tool for educators to utilize throughout the school year for ongoing assessment of a student’s skills.

Rubrics for performance tasks are an excellent tool for educators to utilize throughout the school year for ongoing assessment of a student’s skills.  A rubric is a scoring guide to judge performance on a specific task. A skill is broken down into different components and a numerical value is given to each component. The performance is then scored by totaling the sum of the numerical values.

5 Reasons to Use Rubrics For Performance Tasks

Here are 5 reasons why educators should use rubrics:

Provides the Steps Necessary to Complete the Task

A rubric informs the individual of what is expected of a task.  It clarifies step by step what is required for proficiency.  The student will know all the steps that are needed to complete a task.

Establishes a Standard or Goal

A rubric can provide a standard to assess the quality of how a task is completed.

Monitor Progress

The score on a rubric can determine if changes (improvements or regression) have occurred over time. It is a great tool to use after a long weekend, absences or school vacation to determine if regression has occurred to justify summer services.

Use a rubric to compare the abilities of a student with a peer to determine if the student’s skills are functional.

Helps with Objective Scoring

It can help increase the consistency of scoring.  Instead of documenting minimal, moderate or significant progress, you can document an actual score to have a more quantitative measure.

Try this easy to use tool, Student Self-Regulation Rubrics, to determine areas of need and monitor progress to help your students succeed with self-regulation skills!

Need some examples?

If you need some examples of rubrics for performance tasks, you can download some free rubrics below:

  1.  Dressing Rubric – Putting On and Taking Off Socks
  2.  Overall Personal Hygiene Rubric
  3.  Meal Time Rubric – Using a Spoon
  4.  Mobility Rubric – Walking in a Line
  5.  Overall Handwriting Rubric
  6.  Proper Positioning for Keyboarding Rubric

Rubrics for performance tasks are an excellent tool for educators to utilize throughout the school year for ongoing assessment of a student’s skills.