Important Information Children Should Know – Life Skills

Important Information Children Should Know Life SkillsImportant Information Children Should Know Life Skills

As children move through development stages, there are many important life skills that need to be learned.  Whether it be dressing skills, toilet training, manners, etc, it takes children time and practice.  It is also crucial for children to learn important facts about themselves, their school and their community to stay safe and knowledgeable.  This also takes time and practice.

Here is a list of important information children should know:

  1. Full Name
  2. Home Address
  3. Phone Number
  4. Parent(s) Names
  5. Parent(s) Phone Number
  6. How and When to Dial 911
  7. Emergency Contact Name
  8. Emergency Contact Phone Number
  9. Birthday
  10. Medical Issues

Children can practice and learn these facts by matching up the answers or writing the correct responses.  You can download this free printable to practice writing your home address.

Here are some general guidelines on when children are able to master learning this information:

  • Identifies city or town where they live – 3.8 to 4.6 years old
  • Tells month of birth – 4 to 4.10 years old
  • Identifies street name and town where they live – 4 – 5.6 years old
  • Recites phone number 4 – 5.6 years old
  • Tells father and mother’s first and last names – 4.6 – 5.2 years old
  • Identifies 911 and when to use it – 4.6 – 5.6 years old
  • Tells house number, street, and town – 4.6 – 5.6 years old
  • Recited month and day of birth – 5.4 – 6 years old

Reference: Teaford, P et al (2010). HELP® Checklist 3-6 Checklist. VORT Corporation.

You can help children practice and learn these important facts with My Information Binder.

My Information Binder Learn Important Life Skills

The My Information Binder digital download helps children learn important life skill information.  Students can practice matching or handwriting their names, address, phone number, emergency info, school info and more.  This 29 page PDF black and white, digital document is delivered electronically immediately following payment.  The picture images are suitable for all ages.

You can print the handwriting practice pages (similar to a Zaner-Bloser® style font) or create a word bank to match up the answer.  You can type the word bank directly into the PDF document to create the matching answers.

The My Information Binder includes the following pages:

  1. Important Information (Name, Age, Birthday, Phone Number)
  2. Home Address
  3. Phone Number
  4. Emergency Information
  5. School Information
  6. Today’s Date
  7. Weather Calendar
  8. Computer Information
  9. Daily Routine
  10. Daily Schedule
  11. Answer Key/Word Bank (type in the words directly in the PDF document to create matching answer key)
  12. Word Bank for Phone Number and Date
  13. Word Bank for Days of the Week and Year
  14. Word Bank for Months
  15. Word Bank with 16 Picture and Word Icons for School Routine/Periods
  16. Weather Picture Icons for Weather Calendar


Important Information Children Should Know Life Skills