Where To Find Organized Information About Apps for Students
Where To Find Organized Information About Apps for Students
Are you overwhelmed by the number of apps that are available today? I know I am. When smartphone apps first started rolling out for students with special needs it was an exciting time. A new one would come out and everyone would test it out for fine motor skills, visual perceptual skills or the occasional gross motor skills. Then slowly more and more came out and it became an impossible job of keeping up with the latest and greatest app. BUT, there are a few websites that still do keep up! And, thank you to Carol at OTs with Apps and Technology who let us know about a new update.
Call Scotland just updated the Ipad App Wheels for Students. You can view The Dyslexia Wheel and iPad Apps for Learners with Dyscalculia / Numeracy Difficulties at their website. They are AMAZING resources to help organize all the apps.
The Dyslexia Wheel is broken into 4 categories: reading, writing, organization, and memory. The iPad Apps for Learners with Dyscalculia / Numeracy Difficulties is also divided into categories such as numbers, number processes, shape, measurement, time, money, fractions, estimations, rounding and other math tools.
OTs with Apps has also taken the time to organize apps that was last updated in 2015. This is also an AMAZING resource to help get you started in your search for the perfect app.
There are many other websites that categorize apps for students with special needs, but in my opinion, these two resources are the best for pediatric therapists.
Here is a recent post that lists 10 apps to get kids moving.