Transportation Activities for Preschoolers

If you are working on a transportation unit in PreK or kindergarten (or really any age), these fun transportation activities for preschoolers require no prep and work on fine motor and visual motor skills. There are FREE printables to go along with transportation ideas.
Train Track Transportation Activity for Preschoolers or Any Train Loving Kid
How to Play the Train Track Race Game
You will need a pencil, one die and one game board for each player.
Taking turns, each player one rolls one die. Trace over the number of train tracks that you roll on your game board.
The first player to trace all the train tracks is the winner!
Not enough time or attention span to play this transportation activity for preschoolers?
Use only one board and do not roll the die. Each player can only trace 1, 2 or 3 tracks on each turn. The player who traces the last track is the winner!

Prewriting Activity Pages
Want to practice writing letters or numbers?
Instead of tracing the lines write a letter or number inside each box. For example, If you roll a 3, write the letter A three times.
Download your FREE Train Race Track Game for Kids Here
Sign up to receive the weekly email newsletter from Your Therapy Source plus other announcements. You will be redirected to the three page PDF document to download the transportation preschool game.
Practice Scissor Skills and Sequencing Transportation Activity

This free download includes activities to cut, sequence, paste and learn to draw a truck. This activity encourages: scissor practice, fine motor skills, motor planning and visual motor skills. It is from the complete Transportation packet here that includes 15 activities to cut, sequence, paste and draw. Download your FREE truck activity here.
Going the Just Right Speed Transportation Activities for Preschoolers
If you work with young children, you know very well that moving at a “just right” speed can be difficult. Children are at times moving super fast or very slow. Therapists, teachers, and parents can help children practice self-regulation skills with this lazy 8 free printable train track activity.

You can download it for free here. This freebie is part of the complete Self-Regulation Activity – “Just Right” Train. It includes more activities and a peaceful meditation about a “just right” green train.

Self-Regulation Activity – “Just Right” Train