Happy Physical Therapy Month Free Printables
Wow! Physical Therapy Month snuck up on me this year. September morphed into October somehow. I think maybe because school started so late it has put me in a time warp. I created a quick, encouraging, freebie today to celebrate Physical Therapy Month. You can download it at the bottom of the post.
What To Do with the Happy Physical Therapy Month Free Printables
The best thing about these printables, is all you have to do is download them and you can start celebrating! School-based physical therapists and physical therapy assistants usually have zero extra time in their day and this year it is most likely even more stressful and busy. Who even wants to think about celebrating anything? BUT you should take the time to honor your profession and all that you have helped your students accomplish. Plus, it is a great time to explain what you do to help students in your school succeed.
School Based Physical Therapy Checklist
Ideas for the Free Packet
Once you have downloaded the freebie, hang up the full size page “You are stronger than you think” in your PT room (okay I doubt you have one but just suggesting in case you do LOL). So in reality how about hang your sign in the hallway where students and staff can see it. Everyone can benefit from this self-motivational phrase to encourage you to keep going even when you want to give up.
The smaller cards can be printed on card stock paper. Cut them up and give them to students to keep tucked away in their pocket, backpack or desk as a reminder to stay strong and try one more time.
Print the word search and the PT maze (in color or black and white) for a fun activity to send to class or home with your students for them to enjoy completing when they have time for independent activities.
Explain to your students that they are stronger than they think! It may help them to have a more positive mindset to reach their goals.
Yoga Cards and Game Ideas
Other Suggestions for Physical Therapy Month
1. Think of an activity club that you could start at the school to promote quality of life… maybe an early morning or lunch time walking club? Another way to encourage long term quality of life is to improve posture. Share tips and suggestions for proper posture during seat work at computers since so many school districts are going to 1:1 devices. Download this free PDF on proper posture at home and school.
2. Create an PT Contest – For example – Who can take the most steps in a week (use pedometers)? The largest number of steps wins a PT t-shirt.
3. Create an PT Quiz – Distribute an PT quiz with many questions regarding what PT is and how it helps children. Every person who fills out the quiz gets a small prize.
4. Create a virtual in-service on the benefits of physical therapy that staff or parents can watch at their convenience.
5. Volunteer for the Career Fair at the school. Educate prospective college students on what PT is.
6. If you do not have time for any of the above ideas here is the easiest – just ask to make an announcement over the loudspeaker of the school about PT month. Inform the school in a few sentences about physical therapy. Then hang up the free posters below.
Download your FREE Physical Therapy Month Packet
Sign up to receive the weekly newsletters and other announcements from Your Therapy Source. You will be redirected to the PDF. If you do not see the sign up box, email [email protected] and reference this freebie.