Classroom Brain Break – Super Easy
As an educator, you know that classroom management is one of the most difficult parts of the job. While kids might be in your class because they want to be there, they are still kids — and inherently fidgety and easily distracted. If you’re looking for creative ways to help them stay focused, here is super easy classroom brain break that requires ZERO special equipment.

We all know the classroom is full of distractions, and keeping students’ attention is a challenge. Your students are sure to enjoy this classroom brain break. Try it out next time your students need a break or you have an indoor recess and see if they help your students stay more focused during class time.
How to Use the Classroom Brain Break
Print and cut apart the Switcheroo cards that you can download for FREE at the bottom of this post. Put the cards in a container or a hat.
If you do not want to use the cards, you can simply open the PDF or use the ideas below for the brain break.
Tt start the brain break read one of the cards or activities below. Read it out loud.
The students need to follow the directions on the card. For example, “Switch seats if you are wearing red”, if the student is wearing red they should get up and change their seat with someone else wearing red. If no one else is wearing red, the student can stand up until another challenge is read out loud that they can respond to.
When done pick a new Switcheroo card to have the students get up and move. Pick the Switcheroo cards one after the other having the children change their seats.
All you need to do are these three steps to get your FREE copy of the Classroom Brain Break:
- Sign up to download the freebie at the bottom of the post.
- Download and print or view the activity on your screen.
- Add movement breaks to your class in your next period!
Switcheroo Activity Ideas
You can print or save the classroom brain break PDF cards at the bottom of this post. Here are some ideas for the switcheroo activities.
- Switch seats with someone in front of you.
- Switch seats with person on your left.
- Switch seats with person on your right.
- Switch seats with someone behind you.
- Everyone gallop to a new seat.
- Switch seats if you are wearing green.
- Walk backwards to a new seat.
- Walk on tip toes to a new seat.
- Switch seats if you are wearing red.
- Switch seats if your birthday is in the Spring.
- Switch seats if your birthday is in the Fall.
- Switch seats if your birthday is in the Winter.
- Switch seats if your birthday is in the Summer.
- March with knees high to a new seat.
- Hop like a bunny to a new seat.
- Switch seats if you are wearing blue.
- Switch seats if your name has the letter ‘A’ in it.
- Walk sideways to a new seat.
- Jump with two feet together to a new seat.
- Switch seats if you have curly hair.
- Switch seats if you have an older sibling.
- Switch seats if you have a younger sibling.
- Switch seats if your last name starts with any letter from A through E.
If you do not want the students switching seats, change up the classroom brain break and have your students do activities like this:
- Wave to the person on your left with your right hand.
- Wave to the person on your right with two hands.
- Wave with your arms overhead to the person behind you.
- Everyone gallop around the room and back to your seat.
- Jump up if you are wearing green.
- Walk backwards away from your seat and back again.
- March in place if you are wearing red.
More Easy to Implement Brain Break Resources
My favorite, easy to implement, activity is the Brain Breaks for Kids digital set. It includes 50 quick, exercise breaks for in the classroom or online learning. Play the Brain Break Machine video, print the brain breaks, or add them to your lesson plans to keep your students moving and learning. FIND OUT MORE.
Want this FREE Classroom Brain Break in PDF Format?
If you want even move Switcheroo ideas in a ready to print format? Sign up to receive the weekly email newsletter and other announcements from Your Therapy Source. You will be redirected to the freebie. If you can not see the sign up box, click on the blue box in the lower right hand corner for help.