Outdoor Gross Motor Activities for Preschoolers

Teaching preschoolers can be a challenging and rewarding experience, as you can watch them grow and learn every day. Activities involving gross motor skill development are essential for young children. These outdoor gross motor activities for preschoolers help improve strength, hand-eye coordination, balance, and concentration in kids of all ages. Getting kids outside and moving can be fun and beneficial for everyone involved.
Gross motor skills refer to movements involving large muscle groups and often involve the whole body. Gross motor activities are important for preschoolers because they lay down the foundation for academic success later in life. They help develop both physical and neurological pathways, as well as help kids use their senses to connect with the world around them. Kids also develop balance, coordination, and strength with gross motor skills.
Outdoor play encourages physical activity which is essential for young children. Gross motor activities outside can help strengthen muscles and bones, improve balance, coordination, and agility, as well as increase concentration. Developing these important skills while you get some fresh air can also help kids with their self-regulation skills. The benefits of being outdoors are tremendous!
Sometimes you just want to bring the kids outside and let loose without worrying about dragging tons of equipment. Games such as body part activities and good old fashion tag just need a teacher and some students!
Simon Says
One student is Simon, and they can call out commands that involve body movements such as “touch your toes” or “stomp your feet.” The other students must jump, hop, skip, twirl or whatever else Simon says!
Red Light, Green Light
One player is the “traffic light” and they stand at one end of the yard or play space. The other students line up at the opposite end. On “Green Light,” everyone runs forward until someone yells “Red Light!” When this happens, everyone has to stop as quickly as possible. The first person to stop is the next traffic light!
Red Rover
Two teams of students line up, then one team challenges the other by calling out “Red Rover, Red Rover, send {name} over!” The student whose name was called must try to run across and break through the linked arms of the other team. If they make it across, they can choose someone on the opposite team to join their team!
Large group activities are great for teaching teamwork and working together as a unit. Giving kids the opportunity to learn how to work with others can be very valuable in their development. Here are some fun outdoor gross motor games for preschoolers that involve larger groups!
Spider Web Tag
This game requires one student to be “it.” The other students must hold hands to form a spider web. The student that is “it” must try to tag someone while the others in the web are trying to keep them away. When someone gets tagged, they become “it” and the game continues!
Parachute Games
Parachute Games are an excellent tool for large groups. The students can take turns holding the corners of the parachute and moving it around, or they can all join in to lift, shake and release as they play together. Playing circle games like peek-a-boo and counting down while the parachute is held up high can be lots of fun, too!
Hokey Pokey
This classic game gets kids moving and laughing as they sing, dance, and attempt to get the song correct. Bringing it outside just adds to the fun!
Bean Bag Toss
A bean bag toss is a great way to test gross motor skills and get the whole class involved. Have kids take turns tossing the bean bags into targets or containers, trying to get them in on their first try! Since you’re outside, you can also try this with water balloons.
Beach Balls
Beach balls are fun for everyone, no matter where you take them! You can play catch or put together a few mini-games using the beach ball. Try having students pass it around in a circle, trying to keep it up off the ground as long as possible. Or get creative and have students try to kick the ball through a goal post or ring. There are so many fun games to play with beach balls!
Individual activities are a great way to give kids some independence and help them learn how to regulate themselves. Gross motor activities for preschoolers that involve just one student can also be a great way for teachers to focus on individual development.
Hula Hoops
A hula hoop is a fun and creative way to get kids active. Children can practice gross motor skills like spinning, jumping, and balancing the hoop on different parts of their body. They can even add small objects inside of the hoop for extra challenge!
Jump Rope
Jumping rope helps improve strength and coordination as well as provide a cardiovascular workout. Kids can practice different jump rope moves, or make up their own unique combinations to show off their skills.
Playing hopscotch is a great way to improve balance and coordination as kids are skipping from number to number. Drawing the classic game with sidewalk chalk gives kids a fun way to get their bodies moving. They can even create their own version of hopscotch by using different shapes and colors! Try creating an obstacle course with sidewalk chalk!
Blowing Bubbles
Blowing bubbles is a fun and easy activity for preschoolers. They love blowing them and watching them pop. Kids can practice their gross motor skills by running, jumping, and dancing while catching the bubbles! It provides a great opportunity for kids to get moving, use their imaginations, and be creative at the same time.
Bike, Tricycle, or Scooter Races
Riding bikes, tricycles, and scooters are all excellent gross motor activities for preschoolers. Setting up a course with obstacles or checkpoints can make the races even more exciting! Kids will love to compete against one another and show off their skills on their rides.
A playground is a great place for kids to get active and use their gross motor skills. There are tons of fun activities that preschoolers can do on the playground, from swinging to sliding! Here are some gross motor activities for preschoolers that you can find at the playground:
Encourage kids to work on their climbing skills by going up and down the playground structures. They can practice using different handholds, feet placements, and strategies for getting up and down quickly!
Going down the slide is always a favorite amongst preschoolers! Toddlers in particular can benefit from sliding as it helps them to practice and gain confidence in going down by themselves.
Swings are a great way for kids to work on their balance while having fun! Swinging can also be a great way to help build core strength as they use their arms and legs to keep themselves balanced.
Monkey Bars
Preschoolers might need a little help with the monkey bars, but it’s a great way to challenge them and help them hone their gross motor skills. Make sure to supervise children while they are using the monkey bars or any other playground equipment. There are many benefits to risky play for children.
With a little creativity and imagination, you can come up with many more ways to get your preschoolers outside and active. Gross motor activities are important for young children as they help lay down a foundation for further academic success later in life, so make sure to include them often!