
Classroom Jobs for Students that Require Physical Activity

Assigning classroom jobs for students is a wonderful way to encourage independence and to allow for functional movement breaks throughout the day.

Assigning classroom jobs for students is a wonderful way to encourage independence and to allow for functional movement breaks throughout the day. When students have to complete their classroom jobs, they are being responsible and usually getting in some physical activity and functional fine motor skill practice. All children benefit from physical activity throughout the […]

Exercise for Brain Power

Children and adolescents spend an average of 6 and 8 hours per day, respectively, in sedentary behaviors, both during and outside of school. This sedentary time is increasing in children in recent years most likely due to a dramatic increase in screen time and increased academic rigor in the classrooms.  Research indicates that physical activity […]

How Does Physical Development Affect Learning?

How does physical development affect learning?  What does the research say? Many are not aware of the potential brain-boosting benefits of physical activity with regard to school performance. 

Most school staff are already aware of the physical benefits of exercise, such as strengthening of the heart and lungs, preventing weight gain, healthy bones, good posture and more. However, many are not aware of the potential brain-boosting benefits of physical activity with regard to school performance.  How does physical development affect learning?  What does […]