Benefits of Risky Play

There are many benefits to risky play for children. Risk taking is so important throughout childhood to help kids to problem solve.

Do you allow children to explore enough?  There are many benefits to risky play for children. Risk taking is so important throughout childhood. This type of play allows children to recognize and evaluate a challenge and decide on a plan of action. What is Risky Play? Risky play has been defined as thrilling and exciting […]


Inclusive Play – Evidence Based Tips

Inclusive play can help to provide opportunities for children to have fun expereinces, access toys, make new friends, social skills, develop motor skills and more!

Inclusive play can help to provide opportunities for children to have fun expereinces, access toys, make new friends, social skills, develop motor skills and more! Play provides children with the ability to make choices, try new things in a safe environment, and learn new skills. For children, play is intrinsically motivating, spontaneous and FUN! What […]

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8 Playtime and Toy Modifications for Children with Cerebral Palsy or Other Disabilities

Are you in search of toy modifications for children with cerebral palsy or other disabilities? Whether it be at home, daycare, school or extracurricular activities, children with disabilities may benefit from modifications during playtime. The best way to think about the topic of children with cerebral palsy and toy modifications is to always remember that […]

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Positioning for Play

During physical play time, children tend to move through various positions and during sedentary play time children tend to maintain the same position for a longer period of time. For example, when playing hide and go seek children move in all different ways such as sitting, crawling, squatting, walking or running. In contrast, when completing […]

Universal Design, Play Time and Motor Learning

Here are 5 suggestions to combine universal design, play and motor learning to allow play to be accessible to all children.

Universal design is the idea that activities should be accessible to all people including those with disabilities.  When there are multiple ways to present, use and play with a toy, it can help benefit all children to play regardless of their abilities.  In short, toys need to engage many senses and require variability of play.  […]


How to Facilitate Play Skills in Children with Autism

Playtime helps all children develop communication, social, cognitive, and motor skills. Parents, teachers, and therapists need to learn how to facilitate play skills in children with autism.

How to Facilitate Play Skills in Children with Autism Playtime helps all children develop communication, social, cognitive, and motor skills.  For children with autism, difficulties with language, social skills, and motor skills may be present.  In addition, pretend play skills can be delayed.  Parents, teachers, and therapists need to learn how to facilitate play skills in children […]


3 Simple Tips to Improve Playtime for Children with Disabilities

3 Simple Tips to Improve Playtime for Children with Disabilities

3 Simple Tips to Improve Playtime for Children with Disabilities Children learn through play and parents help to direct that play throughout development.  For children with disabilities, playtime can sometimes be a struggle based on the child’s physical abilities (i.e. hand manipulation), toy choice and environment.  The overall goal of playtime is for children to […]

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Research: Constraint Induced Movement Therapy Improves Upper Limb Activity

The Journal of Physiotherapy completed a research review examining whether constraint-induced movement therapy improves upper limb activity and participation in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy.  Only randomized trials (31 papers out of 597 screened abstracts) were included in the review.   The randomized trials included children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy with any level of motor […]