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24 Hour Positioning

School based therapists are frequently involved in monitoring sitting and standing postures in order for students to access the educational curriculum without compromising range of motion.  It is the pediatric therapists job to ensure that deformities are avoided through proper positioning.  Obviously, this can be monitored and followed during the school day.  But what happens […]

Presleep Activities and Time of Sleep Onset

Pediatrics published research on a survey completed by 2017 children ages 5-18 regarding activities reported during the 90 minutes before sleep time.  The results indicated that television watching was the most commonly reported activity before sleep time.  The participants who had a greater engagement in screen time  had a later sleep onset.  Participants who reported […]


Sleep Duration and ADHD Symptoms

Pediatrics published research on sleep duration and behavioral and ADHD symptoms in healthy 7-8 year old children. The results indicated that children who had short sleep duration (less than 7.7 hours) had higher hyperactivity/impulsivity scores, higher attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder total scores but similar inattention scores compared with children sleeping 7.7 to 9.4 hours or >9.4 hours. […]

Preschool Tip – Have Consistent Bedtime

A new study has indicated that consistent bedtime routines for 4 year olds, result in higher scores in receptive and expressive language, phonological awareness, literacy and early math abilities. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends that 4 year olds get at least 11 hours of sleep per night. This study had a sample size […]