Research tells us that short aerobic exercise sessions can help children with: cognitive flexibility, self-regulation, behavior, and academic achievement! This Cardio Aerobic Exercises for Small Spaces digital download packet includes 15 aerobic exercise sheets including QR codes with links to animated video demonstration of each exercise.
The 17 page PDF digital document will be available electronically immediately following payment. You can use a smartphone to read the QR codes or click on the links to view the video demonstrations.
The Cardio Aerobic Exercises for Small Spaces is a collection of aerobic exercise sheets including QR codes with links to animated video demonstration of exercises. A QR code is a black and white image with squares, that stores website links for reading by the camera on a smartphone.
Each exercise page includes picture images and step by step directions of a whole body cardio-respiratory fitness exercise. Also included, is a link to an animated video with a demonstration of the exercise. Each exercise is about 30 seconds in length.
Parents, students or teachers can simply use a QR code reader app on their smart phone or tablet to go directly to the video demonstration.
This exercise packet allow therapist to send home therapeutic exercise ideas including video demonstration. None of the exercises require any equipment.
These activities encourage: endurance, cardio-respiratory fitness, physical activity, and coordination skills.
When to Use the Cardio Aerobic Exercises for Small Spaces:
- cardio workout in small spaces such as a classroom or at home.
- brain breaks.
- energizing exercises to get children awake and ready to learn.
The activities are reproducible to use over and over again with all the children that you teach.
Get a sample Jumping Jacks exercise page from Cardio Aerobic Exercises for Small Spaces
HELPFUL TIP FOR CHILDREN WITH MOTOR PLANNING DEFICITS: When you play the videos, hit pause and slowly slide the video to provide a slow motion demonstration of the exercise. This will help to provide a step by step visual of how to complete the exercise.
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