How do you assess if a child is making progress in foundational skill areas to support handwriting performance? How do you determine if further intervention is required? Ingrid S. King MScOT, BOT developed the Fantastic Fingers ® Handwriting Foundations Screen to identify handwriting needs fast and monitor progress. The screen provides standardized observations of functional skills in context.
The Fantastic Fingers ® Handwriting Foundations Screen:
- Is based on research and best OT practice to establish what foundations are important for early handwriting performance.
- Focuses on motor foundations as so many children today are vulnerable or at risk in their motor development.
- Includes 5 tasks (used with children between the ages of 3.5 and 7 years old) that are relevant and meaningful for young children to do, especially in preschool and school settings.
- Takes less than 15 minutes to administer.
- Also captures important qualitative observations while the tasks are being performed.
- Uses a rubric for scoring that is sensitive and reliable enough to measure changes over time when the same person administers the screen.
- Includes an easy report template with intervention guidelines and a cover letter in Word format for quick electronic sharing.
Details about the Fantastic Fingers ® Handwriting Foundations Screen:
The screen is delivered electronically immediately following payment.
The 9-page digital document includes:
- Information about the screening (PDF)
- Fantastic Fingers® Handwriting Foundations Screen Reporting Page (PDF and WORD format)
- Administration and Scoring Instructions for Fantastic Fingers® Handwriting Foundations Screen (PDF)
- Score Form for Fantastic Fingers® Handwriting Foundations Screen (PDF and WORD format)
- Group Record Form Fantastic Fingers® Handwriting Foundations Screen (PDF and WORD format)
- 5 Tasks to Measure Handwriting Foundational Skills (PDF)
- Student-Generated Data Form (PDF and WORD format)
- Letter to Parent/Teacher (PDF and WORD format)
The 14-page digital document Let’s Go Learn Good Pencil Grip is also included to help children develop an appropriate pencil grasp.
More products to support the development of fine motor skills in children:
Fantastic Fingers® Fine Motor Program is a comprehensive fine motor program that includes ebook, music, and instructional videos. It’s user-friendly, research-based, and improves children’s fine motor skills, pencil grip, posture and more. It also integrates many early literacy and numeracy skills.