The How to Write IEP Goals Workbook digital download provides a step by step guide to help you create high-quality, measurable goals and objectives for students.
Details about the digital workbook:
20 page PDF document delivered immediately following payment
Do you struggle to write measurable IEP goals? Are you finding it difficult to determine if a student is making progress? Are you short on time because you have to write so many IEPs and it becomes overwhelming?
The How to Write IEP Goals workbook walks you through all the steps to help you write AMAZING, measurable IEP goals, and objectives. Whether you are a seasoned teacher, pediatric therapist, parent or a beginner, it is important to always be moving through a process to write goals and objectives to best help the student.
Once you practice writing effective present level of performance statements and SMART goals it will become much easier and faster to write measurable IEP goals and objectives for all your students.
Teachers, therapists, students, and parents can learn to write measurable IEP goals with How to Write SMART IEP Goals workbook because it teaches you how to follow the SMART principles of goal writing.
Table of Contents for the Workbook
General Information
Write a Present Level of Performance (PLOP) Statement
Baseline Information for Present Level of Performance Statement
Student’s Strengths, Interests, and Preferences
Student’s Needs for Present Level of Performance Statement
Write the Present Level of Performance Statement
Write Measurable Annual SMART Goals
Double Check Your Expected Level of Success
Short-Term Objectives or Benchmark Goals.
Summarize Goals and Objectives
Write the final annual goal.
Final Questions
Looking for more resources?
IEP Goals Related to the Common Core for OT/PT Grades K-2
IEP Goals Related to the Common Core for OT/PT Grades 3-5
Need to collect data on IEP goals?