Summary: 38 letter races to practice letter formation
Product Details:
E-book – 41 pages
Language: English
Shipping: FREE – once payment is made you will receive an email with a link to download the book. You will need Adobe Reader to open the book.
Summary: Letter Races includes 38 fun games to print, cut and play. Practice writing letters in this one person game where you draw letters out of a hat, write the letter and see which letter wins! Add in sensory motor skills by having the child bear walk, run or jump to get the letters before writing. There is one for every letter of the alphabet for upper and lower case. In addition, there are 11 letter races for common letter reversals. NEW: one blank template to write in any letters you need to practice!
Letter Races encourage:
- visual motor skills
- fine motor skills
- scissor skills
- handwriting practice
- correct letter identification to prevent letter reversals
As with all our products, the activities are reproducible to use over and over again with all the children that you teach.
Download a sample letter race.
Remember this is an electronic book. Following payment you will receive a link to download the book.
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