Summary: Download of 20 mobiles to create throughout the year
Product Details:
E-Book: 23 pages
Language: English
Shipping: FREE – once payment is made you will receive an email with a link to download the book. You will need Adobe Reader to open the book.
Summary: This download collection includes the patterns to complete 20 mobiles throughout the year. This activity encourages scissors use, fine motor, visual motor and visual perceptual skills. Once printed, children can cut, hole punch, lace and tie to create beautiful mobiles.
This download includes some of the following mobile templates:
- Snowman and snowflakes
- Valentine and Valentine candies
- Rainbow and Clouds
- Summer Scene and beach tools
- Apple Tree and apples
- Halloween
- Christmas
- Colors
- And 12 more mobiles!!!
View samples of Make Your Own Mobiles.
You can print out the activity pages as many times as you like for the children that you work with. You will need scissors, hole punch and yard to complete the mobiles.
Remember this is an electronic book. Upon payment you will be sent an email with a link to download the book. It is in pdf format so you will need Adobe Reader. You can download Adobe for free at ADOBE
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