This sensory behaviors checklist is a 31 question tool to HELP determine if SENSORY is the function of behavior. Created by an experienced school-based OT, Elizabeth Rizki Kosek, OTD, OTR/L, this 13 page PDF download can be printed OR type your data.
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What Does the Sensory Behaviors Checklist Do?
This tool helps to guide WHAT is the function of behavior or WHY is the behavior occurring? Each question is broken down to why things are being asked and with a specific emphasis on explaining each sensory question. You can print and write in your data OR type in your data by filling in the PDF.
This should be only one tool that you use to explore sensory processing and behavior. This is an informal tool that is meant to help guide consultation and look at various behaviors. Trained professionals should use many different tools to look at sensory processing and behavior. This is not intended to treat or diagnose. As a reminder, there can be more than one function of a behavior.
What is Included in the Sensory Behaviors Checklist?
•Page 4: Introduction
•Pages 5 is the “SEAT” chart
•Page 6-7 are the 31 questionnaire to guide an informal interview and observation.
•Page 8 is an extra page for notes.
•Page 9 is a place to transcribe answers and total answers. Transfer all answers here. Add up the number to each “Yes”. Once you look at which has the most “yes”, this may give a clue to why the behavior is happening. If there are two close ties, there may be more than one function of behavior.
•Pages 10 – 12 go through each question with more in depth answers at the sensory processing answers.
Is the Sensory Behaviors Checklist a Formal Assessment?
No, this is intended to be an INFORMAL TOOL to help guide an informal interview for school personnel to help determine if sensory may be the function or one of the functions of behavior. This can also be an educational tool to help explain to staff WHY they believe a behavior is occurring. This should be used along with your clinical judgement, and standardized measures,
This is perfect to help guide discussions with teachers, staff and other personnel who work with students.
This DOES NOT: diagnose or classify the function of behavior. This can only be done by trained professionals using a variety of different evaluation methods. This cannot be used for every student or every situation.
This is perfect to supplement various social emotional (SEL) or self regulation program including RTI, MTSS, problem solving, zones of regulation, 5 point scale, whole body listening, social thinking and more.
This tool can be used with general education students but also students with Autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, ADD, sensory processing disorder, and other special needs. This can be used with general education, RTI, MTSS, special education, school psychologist, school counselor, occupational therapy OT, speech language pathology SLP, and social work SW.
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