Summary: Download of the materials to create 7 sensory mini books, 7 charts, 7 four square strips and over 100 picture word cards.
Product Details:
E-Book: 37 pages
Language: English
Shipping: FREE – once payment is made you will receive an email with a link to download the book. You will need Adobe Reader to open the book.
Summary: This electronic book includes 7 sensory mini books, 7 sensory charts, 7 sensory four square strips and over 100 picture word cards. The mini book titles include: TOUCH, MOVE, ATTENTION, CALMING DOWN, EAT, SMELL and LISTEN. There are 7 groups of 16 picture word cards (1.5″ by 1.5″) to go along with each the 7 books. In addition, there are 7 charts for non readers. There are also 4 square strips which can provide visual cues regarding sequence of sensory activities or reminders for beneficial sensory activities.
The books and charts offer a child centered approach to establishing a child’s sensory preferences and dislikes. The books can help children to develop their own coping strategies along with the child’s parents, therapists and teachers. This tool is an excellent resource for non verbal children as well as verbal children. Once you purchase the download, you may print the mini books, charts and picture word cards as many times as you like for your own use or for the children that you work with.
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