Looking for easy fine motor and gross motor Transportation Games for kids? The print or interactive PDF games will have your students getting physically active and having fun! Play in person or great for telehealth sessions! You can play with one student or a group.
The ZIP file includes 11 interactive PDF games and it is available electronically immediately following payment to play digitally or print. The game is in landscape view making it easy to screen share.
How Do You Play the Transportation Games for Kids?
Open one of the 10 PDF games. Click on any letter on the main page. If you find the green light YOU WIN the game. If you do not, complete the exercise and try again. Click on the stop sign to return to the main page.
You will need to remember what letters you picked already so you don’t pick the same mode of transportation twice!
The WINNING GREEN LIGHT page changes in each of the 10 games. You can play the game over and over again without your students knowing where the winning number is hiding.
If you do not want to play it as a game, the complete A to Z game is not played with a winner. Just click on each letter of the alphabet to move and learn about transportation.
Print the pages in the packet. Fold up the small cards and place them in a box or bag.
Taking turns, each player reaches into the box and pulls out a card. If it is an exercise card, complete the activity. If you find the GREEN LIGHT, you won the game! Put all the cards back in and play again!
What Exercises Are Included in the Transportation Games for Kids?
There are 26 different challenges for the kids to complete – one for each letter of the alphabet. All of the activities have a transportation theme. The students can copy the sign language letters for each word to warm up their fingers and complete the exercise to warm up the whole body to be ready to learn!
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