This Yoga Bingo digital download includes everything you need to play this fun filled movement game. There are 30 bingo boards so you can play with the entire class and 36 calling cards.
The 36 page color PDF printable will be available electronically immediately following payment.
How to Play Yoga Bingo
1. Print the calling cards and one Bingo Board per player. Optional: Laminate the bingo boards for durability.
2. Cut apart the calling cards with the names of the yoga poses.
3. Give each player a Bingo Board and place the calling cards face down in a pile.
4. Turn over a call card. If you have the yoga pose on your board perform the yoga pose and put a bingo chip, button, penny, etc to mark the correct pose.
5. First person to get 5 bingo chips in a row, horizontally, vertically or diagonally is the winner!
This set does not include the directions of how to perform the yoga poses.
The Benefits of Yoga Bingo
This bingo game encourages:
- flexibility
- muscle strengthening
- posture exercises
- motor planning
- body awareness
- visual discrimination skills
- coordination
When to Play Yoga Bingo
Here are some suggestions of when you can play bingo:
- brain break for the entire class
- during physical education class
- indoor recess
- anytime!
TIP: If you do not have enough time to play the game, simply hand out bingo boards to each child. Can they perform all of the yoga poses on the board?
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