Summary: Monkeying Around at the Zoo – for Flexibility & Appreciation Mp4 download of video including Story + Creative movement + Yoga + Brain Gym®
Product Details:
Mp4 download of 25 minute video
Language: English
LIST PRICE: $15.99
Shipping: FREE – once payment is made you will receive an email with a link to download the Mp4 video.
Summary: Jump on magic scooter and romp through the famous Audubon Zoo with Monkey. Hop on the Zoo Train and visit Elephant, Giraffe, Turtle and many more. Stomp, swing, climb, stretch, roll, bend and hide in your shell!
Monkeying Around the Zoo video encourages:
- balance and fitness
- strength and flexibility
- self control and self regulation
Regular participation enhances your child’s well-being by teaching them skills to regulate their emotions while improving their focus, concentration, determination and balance..
All DVD sessions are comprehensive and balanced. The activities are a combination of creative movement, yoga, Brain Gym(R), and educational research to optimize physical and cognitive development.
Remember this is an electronic item. Following payment you will receive a link to download the video.
To purchase the download with credit card of Monkeying Around at the Zoo click on the ADD TO CART button. Following payment you will receive an email with a link to download the video.