Summary: The Magic Scooter – for Strength & Resilience Mp4 download of video including Story + Creative movement + Yoga + Brain Gym®
Product Details:
Mp4 download of 25 minute video
Language: English
The joy of active play meets the fun of pretend play in this engaging, empowering, educational movement adventure that offers fun exercise that builds strength, flexibility and emotional balance.
Celebrate in the park with The Boy & his magic, red Scooter – the best birthday gift ever! Glide, balance, do tricks and build strength as you become a jet boat, motorcycle, rocket and spend the night outdoors under the stars!
The Magic Scooter video encourages:
- increase in physical activity
- strengthening, coordination and self-control
- self regulation
- emotional resilience
- focus, early literacy and following directions
All DVD sessions are comprehensive and balanced. The activities are a combination of creative movement, yoga, Brain Gym(R), and educational research to optimize physical and cognitive development.
Remember this is an electronic item. Following payment you will receive a link to download the video.