Designing Optional Patterns of Movement
The November 2009 issue of Neuron reports on a study on how limb motion is encoded in the nervous system. The researchers determined that certain movement patterns were easier to learn than others. A quote from one of the researchers states:
“We observed that the initial stages of motor learning are often quick but non-specific, whereas later stages of learning are slower and more precise,” says Sing. “Further, we saw that some physical patterns of movement are learned more quickly than others.”
The goal of the researchers is to develop a set of rehabilitation activities that will achieve the best outcome in stroke patients.
I look forward to seeing what the determine are the best activities to encourage the effected limb. Although these studies are being conducted on adults, the information behind them are informative for pediatric clients and motor learning. Curious to see if some of the movements patterns are similar to proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF). Any comments?
Reference: Harvard University (2010, January 8). Observation about how nervous system learns and encodes motion could improve stroke recovery. ScienceDaily. Retrieved January 8, 2010, from /releases/2010/01/100107132600.htm