Free App to Help with Self Regulation, Deep Breathing and Motor Planning
Here is a nice FREE app for little ones who needs some guidance with self regulation and motor planning. It is called Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame Street.
There are 5 different scenarios that include showing a monster getting frustrated with completing a skill. The child has to tap, pop bubbles and more to help the monster calm down and think of a plan.
The best way to check out this app is to download it and explore. It has some great tips on teaching a child to deep breathe to calm down, to stop and think of a plan and then to act on that plan. To me, it is like an interactive social story.
You can get more information here:
Self Calming Strategies provides 16 helpful strategies to encourage self calming skills in children. There are a variety of strategies offered including sensory, visual
imagery and more.
Find out more.