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3 FUN Elephant Activities to Practice Fine, Gross and Visual Motor Skills


Here are 3 fun elephant activities to play to practice fine motor, gross motor and visual motor skills.  Big bonus – It is actually Elephant Appreciation Day!  Who knew?  Me! Only because I just heard it on the radio.  Haha!  But it did spark a few ideas for the blog.  So here we go:


Copy the Elephant – download this activity to practice visual motor skills.  There are two versions – easy: copy the entire elephant and hard: complete the elephant picture.  There are more spatial reasoning activities included in the Grid Drawing download (or just grab another freebie).


Elephant Fine Motor Game – download this activity to practice fine motor skills, math skills and finger strengthening if you use play dough.

Elephant Gross Motor Activity – here is a fun brain break from Just Dance Kids.  It starts off with a monkey dance but keep dancing and you will soon be acting like an elephant.  Need more brain breaks?  Check out Your Therapy Source.