Fine Motor Skills and Language Development – What Does the Research Say?

There is growing evidence that fine motor skills (FMS) play an important role in language development. Recent studies have shown that FMS are linked to children’s vocabulary and oral narrative abilities, which are key components of language. Read more about the research and explore how fine motor skills and language development are connected. Learn practical […]

Fine Motor Skills in Adolescents

The need for strong fine motor skills in adolescents and examples of activities to improve fine motor skills.

Adolescence is a time for a change in maturation, physical growth, and physical development. Having two teenagers myself, I am very familiar with a day in the life of a teenager. The busy day usually includes activities such as attending school, participating in sports and clubs, eating meals, using technology, socializing, and sleeping. Five out […]

Fine Motor Skills and Tablet Use

Children are using tablets, smartphones, and computers screens more and more each day.  Research indicates that a higher amount of screen time is related to lower fine motor skills. But what about specifically fine motor skills and tablet use? What does the research say on the effect of touch screen tablet use on fine motor […]