FREE Executive Functioning and Fine Motor Activities for Fall

It is that time of year – crisp air, falling leaves, pumpkins, turkeys and more. Add in some skill practice with these 5 FREE executive functioning and fine motor activities for Fall. Children with love the variety and you will love the NO PREP, economical black and white printing. These free sample pages are from the Occupational Therapy Tools: Fine-Motor, Executive Functioning – Fall Theme complete digital download. You can download the free activities at the end of the post.
What is included in the Sample Pages of FREE Executive Functioning and Fine Motor Activities for Fall?
This freebie packet includes:
- Johnny Appleseed Maze
- Hayride Scissor Skill Activity
- Color By Code Fall Leaf
- Pumpkin Seed Counting
- Lowercase Alphabet Pumpkin Seeds
Did you know that fine motor skills in preschool and kindergarten are the number one best predictor of academic skills and achievement for your kindergarten age student? This fine motor advantage lasts for at least through the third grade! Children NEED to practice these skills!
Don’t forget to check out the complete Occupational Therapy Tools: Fine-Motor, Executive Functioning – Fall Theme. Created by school-based Occupational Therapist, Thia Triggs, The Occupational Therapy Tools: Fine-Motor, Executive Functioning – Fall Theme digital download helps to:
- Build fundamental fine motor and executive functioning skills for kindergarten age kids.
- Target specific CCSS literacy and math skills in ways that interest and engage even the most reluctant children.
- Provide differentiated yet equivalent materials so you can easily provide the just-right level of difficulty and challenge for a classroom with diverse skills.
Download Your FREE Executive Functioning and Fine Motor Activities for Fall
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