
Fine Motor Exercise – Finger Hopscotch

This FREE fine motor exercise - Finger Hopscotch is a no-prep, fun game to play! You can download the free printable at the bottom of the post.

Fine motor exercises for children can be super fun and engaging or sometimes might get boring. This FREE fine motor exercise – Finger Hopscotch is a no-prep, fun game to play! You can download the free printable at the bottom of the post.

How to Play the Fine Motor Exercise Game – Finger Hopscotch

Print the Finger Hopscotch board on the next page. Laminate for durability. You can simply use it as a finger warm up activity or play it as a game.

Play the game just as you would outdoor hopscotch. Place a small item (ie coin) into the Number 1 box. Each square gets one finger (except the double box on one of the hopscotch mats). You skip over the box with the small item in it.

Start with your dominant hand. You can’t have more than one finger on the board at a time, unless there are two number squares right next to each other. In that case, you can put down both fingers at the same time with one in each square. When you hop your fingers up to the #10, go back to the start.

Pick up the small item and place it into the Number 2 box. Continue playing until you complete all the numbers.

How to Change the Fine Motor Exercise Game If It is Too Hard

If this activity is too challenging, have the child place some cotton balls in the palm of their hand and curl their ring finger and pinky finger around them. By tucking and holding the cotton balls, the child will be encouraged to only use the two fingers.

Still too hard? Just practice moving the fingers up the hopscotch board slowly and use it as a warm up activity.

How to Change the Fine Motor Exercise Game If It is Too Easy

Want to challenge your students even more? See how fast the can complete the hopscotch board but still only put one finger in each box and keeping the ring and pinky finger tucked.

Even more hard? Try using your non-dominant hand to complete the fine motor exercise hopscotch board.

Even harder? Try using BOTH hands at the same time. Don’t mess up the pattern! This is super tricky but a great coordination challenge.

Extend the Activity

Ask the children to draw their own finger hopscotch games. Use graph paper to make it easier if necessary. Try drawing different shapes and patterns. Pass the game board to a friend and see if they can complete it.

Instead of numbers in the boxes, write letters or words to practice literacy skills.

Need More Fine Motor Games?

Fine Motor Board Games digital download includes 12 no-prep games to print and play to encourage fine motor skill development throughout the year. Are your students tired of routine fine motor practice? Add these FUN games to your fine motor toolkit to keep children engaged and improving their skills at the same time!

The Collect the Stars game is a fun, interactive, sensory motor digital and print game. Children will roll the virtual or regular die to determine which star to collect from different gross motor, fine motor, and visual motor activities.  The first player to complete one activity from each slide is the winner!

If you are looking for fine motor paper fortune teller ideas for school, this digital packet includes 4 templates to get to know your students, encourage positive affirmations, teach self-regulation, and take brain breaks! 

Download your FREE Finger Motor Hopscotch Game Here

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Watch the Fine Motor Exercise in Action