How to Play Categories
How to Play Categories
Do you know how to play categories? This is an awesome, classic game that you can play anywhere and with many different variations. No paper and pencil? No computer? No phone? NO PROBLEM – you can still play this game!
How to Play the Basic Game of Categories
You can play this game with one person or a group of people. Decide if you are going to say your answers out loud, type your answers or write your responses. You can download sample recording sheets and 6 category cards to help you get started at the bottom of the post.
Pick a category (or use the Interactive Category Games for Kids). Optional: Set a timer for at least one minute.
Once you have a category, how many words can you say out loud, type in the boxes or write down on paper based on the category?
When time is up, count how many words you wrote down.
How to Play Categories with a Group of People
When you are playing with more than one person, make the game competitive.
Again decide on a category (or use the Interactive Category Games for Kids) and how you will respond: type or write. You can download sample recording sheets and 6 category cards to help you get started at the bottom of the post.
Set a timer for at least one minute. Type or write down as many words as you can based on the category. When time is up, read your answers aloud. If there are any matching answers, cross the word out. Any words that are not duplicates and fit the category, score as one point. The player with the most points is the winner. Play one round or several rounds and add up your score.
Variations of the Game of Categories
There are several other variations of the game of categories to challenge yourself even further.
You can play Vertical Categories.
Directions: Set a timer for one minute (longer if younger children are playing). Pick any word or use the Vertical Word Cards from the Print version of the Interactive Category Games for Kids.
Write the word down the left hand side of the paper with one letter on each line. Write words associated with the theme that start with each letter of the category. When done, read your answers. Any duplicate answers get crossed off your list. Any answers remaining are worth one point. The player with the most points at the end of the round is the winner!
How to Play Categories – Horizontal Style
Want to challenge yourself even further? Here is how to play categories – horizontal style.
Directions: This is a collaborative game where all players work together to complete the horizontal category. The object is to make the longest list of words possible.
Pick any work or or use the Horizontal Word Cards from the Print version of the Interactive Category Games for Kids.
Write the word down at the top of the page. Player one writes a word that starts with the last letter of the horizontal category. The word must be associated with the horizontal word card.
Pass the paper to player two. Player two writes a word (associated with the horizontal word card) that starts with the last letter of player one’s word. How many total words can you write together?
For example if the horizontal word category animal your responses might look like this:
ANIMAL – Leopard – rat – toucan – newt – dog – gorilla – anteater – tiger – rattlesnake – elephant – turkey – yak – kangaroo – ostrich – hawk – kiwi bird – dolphin – nightingale – eagles – shrimp – pig – grasshopper – raccoon – nurse shark – koala – arctic fox. WOW! That is 26 words!!!
Want More Category Games?
This interactive Category Games for Kids collection can be played on the computer or print it and grab a pencil! It is available to play on Google Slides, Powerpoint or PDF to print. Great for telehealth sessions, distance learning AND in person!
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Challenge executive functioning skills and handwriting with this Category Game Top 10 Challenge Freebie. This free download includes a single lined recording sheet and 6 category cards. This is game is suitable for 1 player and groups. Just print enough recording sheets for each player. If you do not want to write the words, grab a hole punch. Punch out the number in the category card each time you say a word from the category. If you don’t have a hole punch, color in each circle.