New Year Resolution for Students and Staff

Do you like to start fresh in the new year?  Do you set goals for yourself to accomplish during this time of year? Being a student or school staff right now is difficult to manage. It can be a struggle to stay organized and on top of all of your assignments or planning so setting goals to work smarter not harder can be amazingly helpful.  Here are some awesome ideas and suggestions to set a new year resolution for students and school staff.

Productivity New Year Resolution for Students and Staff

Being productive and focused is harder than ever right now. Here are some suggestions to help improve your productivity.

5 Ways to Improve Productivity – read tips on how to work smarter not harder

8 Steps to Productivity – Productivity at work and home is not simply doing something for the sake of getting it done. It’s about doing the right things at the right time to achieve maximum efficiency for your effort. Believe it or not, efficiency is sometimes about doing nothing at all: taking a break, recharging your batteries or mentally preparing for what comes next.

Goal Setting New Year Resolutions

Of course, setting goals is probably the most popular new year resolution for students and staff. Here are some helpful articles to get your started with goal setting.

Self Improvement to Help Achieve Goals:  this is a self-improvement worksheet to complete to establish what steps need to be taken to achieve a goal.

Helping Children to Establish Healthy Resolutions  – kids need new goals for overall health

5 Simple Tips to Help Children Reach Their Goals and 5 Tips on Tackling Big Goals:  easy suggestions to help the children reach their goals

Try a Growth Mindset Approach

What is a Growth Mindset? Learn how about self-perception and how it can help you succeed.

Growth Mindset and Academic Achievement

Stay on Track

Setting a new year resolution for students and staff is great but making sure you stay on track is super important too! Here are some ways to track your progress.

5 Reasons to Use Student Generated Data Collection – This method can help cut down on paperwork time and maximize goal achievement.

Try using self-reflection to learn how to achieve your goals.  It can help determine if there is a pattern meaning certain strategies seem to help more than others.

What do you hope to improve this school year?  Start out by finishing this statement – “This year I will…”