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Visual Scanning Activities – Free printables and Ideas

Children need to search and compare what they are looking for as they scan the environment at school, and home. By practicing visual scanning activities, children may become more efficient and quick at finding the information that is necessary for different tasks.

Visual scanning is basically the ability to find and search for information in your environment. The information could be letters on a page, headlines, people, or objects. Children need to search and compare what they are looking for as they scan the environment at school, and home. By practicing visual scanning activities, children may become […]

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50 Bimanual Activities of Daily Living – FREE Printable

Bimanual Activities of Daily Living

50 Bimanual Activities of Daily Living – FREE Printable Bimanual activities are skills that we use two hands to complete.  All children benefit from practicing bimanual skills to help develop coordination skills, crossing midline, and functional life skills.  Children with cerebral palsy, especially hemiplegia, are often encouraged to participate in bimanual activities.  Many times following […]