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School Based Therapy Resolutions for 2015

Here are some suggestions for school based therapy resolutions: 1. Realistic Home/Classroom Programs – I will make every effort to provide parents and teachers with activities that are easy to carry out in the home or classroom. 2. Take the time to observe – I will take the time to just observe. I will document […]

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Survey Results from Caseload Size 2014

The results are in from the survey on caseload size.  There were over 300 therapists who responded.  The numbers varied significantly and the averages have been reported. I hypothesized that the OTs would have the highest caseload numbers in the school districts.  I thought this would be the case since children can be grouped or […]

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8 Tips to Get Organized this School Year

School-based therapists have a tough job in terms of keeping all the paperwork requirements in an organized fashion.  With large caseloads and different schools, it can be a daunting task to keep it all in order.  Here are few ideas to help your stay organized during the school year: 1. Try using one color folder […]

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Free Scheduling Cards for OT and PT

These are ready just in time for the start of the school year (or use them anytime you change your schedule to update everyone).  These scheduling cards are the size of business cards.  Use them to inform teachers, students and parents what day and time a student has therapy and to provide your contact information. […]

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Free Lesson Plan Form for Therapy Sessions

Therapists can follow in the footsteps of teachers and create lesson plans for therapy sessions. This can be especially useful for group sessions or push in therapy. When the lesson plan is written, provide a copy to the teacher or parent to inform them of your goals for the session. It is a great way […]

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Be Organized this School Year

The start of the school year is approaching or here for some of you. Start the year off right with these tips to get organized: Create an organized caseload list of your students. Include all information such as teacher’s names, parents’ names, emails, phone numbers, addresses, frequency and duration of therapy sessions. If you have […]