Special Edition for Kids with ASD – Assistive Technology, Classroom Implementation Strategies & Resource Recommendations for Kids Who Struggle to Write 11th Edition digital download is an assistive technology Resource Guide for OTs, parents and other professionals working with students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, over 50% of whom have educationally significant handwriting challenges that make it difficult/impossible for them to complete written schoolwork using paper and pencil. Research shows that these challenges tend to persist over time, no matter what handwriting therapies have been tried.
Authors: Sue Ramin-Hutchison (Certified Teacher Consultant for Physically & Otherwise Health Impaired Students, Assistive Technology Support Specialist and Special Education/Section 504 Advocate) and Merri Domer (Special Needs Technology Consultant)
Digital download (111 page PDF) is delivered electronically immediately following payment.
Special Edition for Kids with ASD –Assistive Technology, Classroom Implementation Strategies & Resource Recommendations for Kids Who Struggle to Write includes:
- a full continuum of “best practice” assistive technology for ASD kids, K-12, that allow them to complete all types of written schoolwork – even math, worksheets and advanced math and science! This assistive technology ranges from “Low-Tech” products to help kids improve their handwriting skills to the introduction of “High-Tech” devices, software/apps/extensions, other products and supports to be used when “Low-Tech” solutions are not enough.
- “Special Section Notes” for many Sections of the guide that include information related to that Section specific to working with ASD kids
- the best classroom assistive technology implementation strategies (including the authors’ Assistive Technology Implementation Plan) – which really are the keys to making a smooth transition from traditional to technology-based methods for completing written schoolwork
- a list and description of 3 Dysgraphia Diagnostic Evaluation Tests
- an opportunity to privately consult with the authors regarding a specific student
- complete assistive technology descriptions, website and ordering information. Purchasers of this guide will also be provided with the access code for the authors’ internet “Guide Updates Page.” Periodically logging in to this page will always keep this Resource Guide current and up-to-date in the future, as the authors continually post new assistive technology information for students with written output disorders on this page as it becomes available.
Dysgraphia – What Is It?
Why and When Assistive Technology?
Section 1: Handwriting Challenges in Kids with ASD
Section 2: “Low-Tech” Ideas to Assist Kids with Handwriting Disabilities
Section 3: “Low-Tech” Equipment Options to Help Kids Improve Handwriting Skills – including Special Section Notes for Kids with ASD
Section 4: How to Tell When “Low-Tech” Solutions Are Not Enough
Section 5: “High-Tech” Equipment Options – including Special Section Notes for Kids with ASD
Section 6: “High-Tech” Accessory Options
Section 7: Manufacturer’s Pre-Installed Accessibility Options
Section 8: Special Needs Software/App/Extension Recommendations – including Special Section Notes for Kids with ASD
Section 9: Adapted Keyboarding Instruction and Software Recommendations – including Special Section Notes for Kids with ASD
Section 10: Voice Recognition Recommendations – including Special Section Notes for Kids with ASD
Section 11: Implementation Ideas for Special Needs Technology in the Classroom – including Special Section Notes for Kids with ASD
Section 12: Funding Ideas for “High-Tech” Equipment and Software/Apps/Extensions for “Handwriting- Challenged” Students – including Special Section Notes for Kids with ASD
Appendix A: Individual Consultation Information and Request Form
Appendix B: Assistive Technology Implementation Plan Information and Form
Appendix C: Dysgraphia Diagnostic Evaluation Tests