Created by an experienced school-based OT, Elizabeth Rizki Kosek, OTD, OTR/L,, this fine motor skills worksheets packet is the resource you NEED to practice DAILY fine motor, visual motor and visual perceptual skills!
Each page features 5 different activities (one for each day). Students complete one QUICK activity each day. This is PERFECT as a way to work on visual motor, fine motor and visual perceptual skills to start the day, complete a warmup before writing, in a writing center, practice new skills, work on IEP objectives, and MUCH MORE!
The 49 page PDF digital workbook will be delivered electronically immediately following payment.
What is Included in the Fine Motor Skills Worksheets for ALL YEAR LONG?
Workbook includes pages 3-43:
- Trace the lines (Different sizes bolded, dotted). This can work on coordination, visual motor skills and pencil control.
- Trace the shapes (Different sizes-bolded, dotted). This can work on coordination, visual motor skills and pencil control.
- Mazes (Easy to hard). This can work on motor planning, coordination and pencil control.
- Search, fine and circle the correct picture (ie: 20 images are shown, and the activity states “circle all the apples”). This works on visual perceptual skills such as scanning, visual discrimination and figure ground.
- Circle the correct letter (ie: Some are turned upside down or on the side). This works on visual perceptual skills such as scanning, visual discrimination and figure ground.
Note: Only pages 4-5 include color (green, red – go, stop) but you can print these in black and white too. The rest of the pages (6-43) are all in black and white clipart. Pages 45-47 include BONUS search and find for specific holidays.
As a reminder, this is only 1 license for the person who purchased this product and the students on the caseload / classroom.
When and Why to Use the Fine Motor Skills Worksheets
This is perfect for RTI / MTSS as an intervention for scissor skills, coloring and writing. This is great for visual scanning, visual perceptual skills, coordination, visual motor integration and fine motor. This is also a perfect activity for occupational therapists OT, teachers, speech pathologists SLP, special education SPED teachers and other school professionals while working on skills!
Check out ALL of the Resources Created By Elizabeth Rizki Kosek, OTD, OTR/L HERE