Personal Hygiene Visual Schedules and Supports: Boys and Girls
Created by Thia Triggs, school-based Occupational Therapist, these Personal Hygiene Visual Schedules and Supports are EDITABLE Life skill tools for pre- and post-adolescent boys and/or girls.
Purchase only boys or girls for $4.99/each or purchase both sets for $7.29. These are electronic PDF and Powerpoint documents. The documents will be delivered electronically as a ZIP file immediately following payment.
Details for Pre/Post Adolescent Boy Personal Hygiene Visual Schedules:
These task cards are ideal for young men with intellectual disabilities, autism, and adaptive skill difficulties. 50 Visual supports cover bathing/showering, daily care, oral care, and nail care, and are useful for home, school, & community settings.
Personal hygiene schedules
Illustrated hygiene sequences
Vocabulary fluency
Life skills instruction
Sequencing practice
Illustrations for social stories
Daily care: 22 visual supports including oral care, brushing teeth, shaving with a razor, shaving with an electric razor, face washing, deodorant, hair care, dressing, and checking in the mirror before leaving.
Bathing/showering: 20 visual supports including water temperature safety, washing 4 body zones, shampooing & conditioning hair, drying body & hair, combing in front and in the back, and checking in a mirror.
Skin care for dry skin and chapped lips. Plucking nose hairs & between eyebrows. 4 visuals.
Hair care for African-American frizzy or curly hair. 1 visual.
Oral care: 4 visuals including teeth brushing, flossing, gargling, and using chapstick.
Nails: 7 visual supports for finger and toenails including cleaning, trimming, and filing.
5 Schedule Boards:
* Personal Care
* Every Morning
* Bath
* Shower
* Nails
Use the Blank cards to write or draw in details that may be specific to your child’s needs.
Use EDITABLE files to edit either in PowerPoint or Adobe Reader.
Details for Pre/Post Adolescent Girl Personal Hygiene Visual Schedules:
EDITABLE Life skill tools. Visual supports for pre- and post-adolescent girls. These task cards are great for young women with intellectual disabilities, autism, and adaptive skill difficulties. 63 Visual supports cover menstruation, bathing, daily care, oral care, makeup, and nail care, and are useful for home, school, & community settings.
Personal hygiene schedules
Illustrated hygiene sequences
Vocabulary fluency
Life skills instruction
Sequencing practice
Illustrations for social stories
Daily care: 6 visual supports including face washing, deodorant, hair care, dressing, and checking in the mirror.
Oral care: 4 visuals including teeth brushing, flossing, gargling, and using chapstick.
Bathing/showering: 20 visual supports including water temperature safety, shaving, washing, and hair care.
Skin care for dry skin and chapped lips. 3 visuals.
Hair care for African-American frizzy or curly hair. 2 visuals.
Menstruation: 12 visual supports including marking the first day of flow on a period calendar, changing into clean underwear, using pad or tampon, putting pad on underwear, checking the time, understanding when to change pad, rolling pad with TP, throwing pad into trash, and not flushing.
Makeup: 9 visual supports including basic makeup supplies, removing makeup, and plucking of eyebrows.
Nails: 7 visual supports including cleaning, trimming, filing, applying nail polish, and removing nail polish.
8 Schedule Boards:
* Personal Care
* Every Morning
* My Period
* Bath
* Shower
* Make-up
* Manicure
* Nails
Use EDITABLE files to edit either in PowerPoint or Adobe Reader.
More life skills and visual supports products:
Bathroom Social Stories Boys or Girls
Visual Supports: Schedules, Self Regulation, and Classroom Inclusion
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