Snip Tac Toe – Color and Cutting Game digital download includes 26 tic tac toe games from A to Z to color and cut. Students can practice fine motor skills, visual motor integration, and scissor skills all while having FUN! It includes three levels of difficulty.
Details: 84 pages PDF black and white digital document delivered electronically immediately following payment.
How to Play Snip Tac Toe – Color and Cutting Game
Color and cut out the small cards at the bottom of each page. Give 5 of the same cards to player one and 5 of the other cards to player two. Take turns placing your card on the tic tac toe board. When you get 3 of your cards in a row across, down or diagonally you are the WINNER!
There are 26 game boards – one for each letter of the alphabet.
There are three levels of difficulty:
Level One – cutting straight lines
Level Two – cutting curved lines
Level Three – cutting circles
Modifications: Precut the 10 objects at the bottom of each page into 2 strips of 5 objects. The student will only have to cut on about a 1” straight or curved line.
Highlight or darken the lines to guide the student where to cut if necessary.
Download a FREE sample Snip Tac Toe – Color and Cutting Game for the letter Bb
More scissor skill games and resources:
Color, Cut, and Glue Complete Packet – Fine Motor and Visual Perceptual Skills
Flip and Snip Scissor Practice Game
Simple Cut and Glue Sudoku for Children